Program overview: Sydney Clinical Ethics Colloquium 2024

The Sydney Clinical Ethics Colloquium will be held at the Sydney Law School on the Camperdown campus of the University of Sydney, Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December 2024.

The program overview below is provisional and details about sessions and speakers will be updated as planning proceeds.

Sat 30 November 2024

  • 8.30am: Arrival / registration

  • 8.45am: Welcome and introduction, with speaker Linda Sheahan

  • 9.00am: Introduction to philosophy and ethics in health care, with speaker Paul Komesaroff, respondents Jackie Leach Scully and Kathryn Mackay, and Q&A.

  • 10.00am: Morning break, refreshments and networking

  • 10.30am: Introduction to clinical ethics I: Clinical ethics reasoning, with speaker Lynn Gillam and respondent Clare Delany.

  • 11.30am: Introduction to clinical ethics II: Clinical ethics services, panel discussion facilitated by Linda Sheahan with panelists Nathan Emmerich, Lynn Gillam, Helen Irving, Danielle Ko, Sumytra Menon, Giles Newton-Howes, Anne Preisz, Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki, and Cindy Towns.

  • 12.30pm: Lunch break, lunch and networking

  • 1.15pm: Introduction to health law and its relationship with clinical ethics, with speaker Cameron Stewart.

  • 2.15pm: Confidentiality and privacy in the clinical context, with speakers TBC.

  • 3.00pm: Afternoon break, refreshments and networking

  • 3.30pm: Consent and capacity, including clinical cases and discussion panel, facilitated by Cameron Stewart, with case presenters Michael Chapman and Anne Preisz, and panelists Sarah Baldwin, Mel Drinkwater, Georgie Haysom, and Hojjat Soofi.

  • 5.00pm: Early evening social gathering, details TBC.

Sun 1 December 2024

  • 8.15am: Arrival / registration

  • 8.30am: Organisational ethics I: an introduction, with speaker Rosalind McDougall and facilitator Ian Kerridge.

  • 9:00am: Organisational ethics II: COVID19 and pandemic ethics, with speaker Ross Upshur (online), and discussion facilitated by Ian Kerridge, with panelists Phil Britton, Winston Cheung, Sean Kelly, Jackie Leach Scully, George Skowronski, and Supriya Subramani.

  • 9.45am: Conflicts of interest, with speaker Wendy Lipworth.

  • 10.30am: Morning break, refreshments and networking

  • 11.00am: Paediatric ethics, with speaker Mel Drinkwater, and discussion facilitated by Anne Preisz with panelists Phil Britton, Lynn Gillam, Helen Irving, Carolyn Johnston, and Kelsee Shepherd.

  • 12.30pm: Lunch break, lunch and networking

  • 1.15pm: Death and dying I: Limits of access and futile treatments, with speaker Julian Savulescu and discussion facilitated by Ian Kerridge with panelists Charles Douglas, Georgie Haysom, Jackie Leach Scully, and Supriya Subramani.

  • 2.15pm: Afternoon break, refreshments

  • 2.30pm: Death and dying II: Voluntary assisted dying, with speaker George Skowronski and discussion facilitated by Linda Sheahan with panelists Eliana Close, Helen Irving, Ian Kerridge, Paul Komesaroff, Wade Stedman, and Xavier Symons.

  • 3:45pm: Closing remarks, with Linda Sheahan

  • 4.00pm: Event close

    Conveners: Ian Kerridge, Edwina Light, Anne Preisz, Linda Sheahan, George Skowrsonki, Cameron Stewart

    Last updated 27/08/2024.

Supported by the Clinical Ethics Society of Australasia & the Sydney Law School.


Register now for the 2024 Sydney Clinical Ethics Colloquium